The Fundraising EDGE

We value your experience with The ECO Edge and look forward to serving you. You can count on us to bring you quality products, quality service, easy-to-use sales and support materials, simple online ordering and other great PERKS! On top of that we also offer amazing profits for fundraising!

Let us help you better understand why we are your #1 choice for fundraising and how YOU and your community will benefit. Have fun while assisting the environment by selling and using eco-friendly products that earn the profits you need for today, tomorrow and beyond!

Why did we start The ECO Edge Company?

It is The ECO Edge Company's greatest desire to hire as many people with special needs and to supply useful eco-friendly products to those who are in need of fundraising. By choosing sound products that work with the environment, we can share this with you to pass on to your community.

What's our Fundraising EDGE and how do you benefit?

  1. You earn amazing profits!
  2. Our products offer great value, are useful and affordable for your community!
  3. You assist us in employing those with special needs!
  4. You are sharing in a world-wide eco-friendly and natural vision!
  5. The more we do together, the healthier our surrounding environment will be!

The ECO Edge Fundraising Products


View The ECO Edge fundraising video now by clicking here.

So what are you waiting for? Continue to explore and find your ECO Edge!